Have you recently started feeling pain in your shoulder?

Have you been dislocating your shoulder or have you torn your rotator cuff muscle or not able to life the arm?

Don’t worry. We are here to help you. Many of these conditions, may at times, require surgery as ideal treatment. Do you, or any of your known, needs surgery, going through this piece of information might add immense value to your treatment plans. We are here to discuss how to get the best results for your shoulder treatment.

Proper Surgery Selection

Once it has been concluded that surgery is the best option, your home work begins. The time starts for you to take hard decisions regarding what surgery is to be done, where to undergo the surgery, should I select my regular orthopaedic surgeon or consult a shoulder surgeon for the best outcome. There are a variety of surgeries available for many shoulder conditions in this ever-improving world and best is to discuss it directly with a shoulder surgeon, regarding what is the best, for your shoulder, and not just undergo usual standard surgery. The most important decision that you need to consider , with the help of a shoulder specialist, would be this.

Proper timing of surgery

If the surgery is the only option, or the most idealistic treatment for your shoulder, considering the overall expectation you have, best is to undergo the shoulder surgery at the earliest. If the surgery is inevitable, surgeries performed on proper time gives superior results compared to acting late.

Adequate rest after surgery

Surgery is a form of insult or trauma to your shoulder. This is advisable to take rest for some time after surgery and not jump in for physiotherapy, just after the surgery. Give your shoulder, the time to heal itself and cope up with the insult done already in the form of surgery. High protein diet helps in faster and better healing.

Physiotherapy- integral part- when and how

Physiotherapy is the back bone of proper recovery in case of shoulder surgeries. However, best results is to be expected, if proper physiotherapy is done at paper time. When and how to do the surgery are equally important questions to be asked. Misuse of physiotherapy by less experienced might even damage the surgery. Best is to consult the treating shoulder surgeon for patient specific exercises.

Proper communication

There are various controllable as well as non controllable factors that affects the overall recovery of your shoulder. A proper communication between shoulder surgeon, you and the physiotherapist is of utmost importance.

Gone are those days when you had to accept the limited, the availability of shoulder surgeons and latest advancements in the field of shoulder surgery,  are a boon and helping people with shoulder problems, in the best possible way. You can always connect with Dr Vijay Bang, orthopaedic shoulder surgeon, based out of Ahmedabad, for any further information regarding your shoulder surgery.

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