Calcific Tendinitis

Do you Know Calcific Tendinitis Occurs Mostly in the Shoulders?

About Calcific Tendinitis

Calcific tendinitis is a condition that occurs commonly in people above the age of 40 – 60. They occur mostly due to degenerative changes in the rotator cuff muscle tendon.

Mind Boggling Fact

Calcific Tendinopathy occurs in 2.5-7.5% of healthy shoulders in adults.

Know More About Calcific Tendinitis


Calcific tendinitis is a situation that occurs due to excessive calcium deposits within your muscle or tendon. This exclusive condition can happen in any part of your body and normally they occur within the rotator cuff. Since the rotator cuff consists of a group of muscles and tendons a minute growth in that area can cause severe dysfunction in your hand.

What Does it Includes?

This condition is diagnosed by the doctors based upon the symptoms, X-ray and MRI reports. Common symptoms include,

●Inability to move your arm
●Extreme shoulder pain

Treatment Options

This condition causes intense pain. The treatment options include anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, intraarticular steroid injection, and surgery. These anti-inflammatory drugs are non-steroidal and suitable for people of all ages. Surgery is not suggested commonly and if performed the patients are expected to stay just for a day before discharge.

Why Us?

Bang institute offers exclusive treatment after diagnosis through x-ray for confirmation. Even though non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are considered to be the first-line treatment, Dr. Vijay Bang offers nonsurgical procedures like extracorporeal shockwave therapy and radial shockwave therapy for the efficient cure of the disorder. One of the preferred treatment options used is intraarticular injection. They can also be treated using therapeutic ultrasound and percutaneous needling for effective development.

There are Three Stages of Calcific Tendonitis.


During the pre calcific stage the movement results in pain and causes Limited range of motion.


During the Calcific stage the calcium is released from the cells and formed calcium deposits. The body will start to reabsorbed the deposits and it causes severe discomfort.


During this stage the deposits are are slowly destroyed and they are replaced by the tissues with improved range of motion.

Frequently Asked

How can I manage calcific tendinitis symptoms at home?

If you have calcific tendinitis the best course of treatment would be rest, ice pack application, and pain relievers.

What is the best non-surgical option available?

The doctor examines the symptoms and the deposit to suggest appropriate solutions. The patients can receive shockwave therapy to break down the calcium deposits without any intervention. The lavage therapy has also proved to be pretty successful. Here the doctor injects saline into the affected area to break down the extra calcium deposit.

How long does the pain last?

The pain will last for few days. During such situation the patients are subjected to immobilization through a ceiling in conservative treatment.

Is surgery essential for calcific tendinitis?

As per recent research, approximately 10 % of the affected patients required surgery for calcific tendinitis. If the symptoms are severe the doctor will suggest surgery to remove the calcium deposits.

How long does it take for the calcific tendonitis patients to recover from surgery?

The patient who undergoes surgery must take rest for at least 6 weeks for complete recovery. They’ve also must wear sling to keep their shoulders from continuous movements.

Is MRI better or a plain Xray better for diagnosis?

This condition can be very well diagnosed with a plain Xray than MRI.

We Have Cured Them

Here is a list of our happy patients who experienced satisfying results through our treatment options.

“I highly recommend Dr Vijay Bang as he is very up to date with knowledge as well as highly professional. I had severe shoulder pain. He did an Xray and made prompt diagnosis. I took injection in my shoulder. The results have been fantastic and I am painfree since then.”



40yrs, UDAIPUR

“I am impressed by the way Dr Vijay Bang deals with his patients. I had multiple shoulder dislocations. I was suffering, doctor made prompt diagnosis, had full confidence and operated well. I had no problems before, during as well as after surgery. I definitely recommend him.”



25yrs, SURAT

“At first I wasn’t sure if I should go ahead with the arthroscopic surgery Dr Vijay Bang had recommended, but I went ahead anyway considering his reputation. I was amazed to see the work at par with west is being done here. I am very happy with my decision and recommend him to everyone.”




“I cannot thank you enough for understanding and supporting me in my difficult times. I had no one to support in India when Dr Vijay Bang and his team supported me for my shoulder fracture treatment. I am very happy and strongly recommend the team.”




“I chose Dr Vijay Bang because he is the provider of the umbrella of shoulder treatments under one roof. My mother fell in the bathroom and was not able to lift her arm. The surgery went smooth. She is back to her routine activities. I recommend Dr Vijay Bang without any reservation.”



47yrs, INDORE

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Dr. Vijay Bang 

Consultant Knee & Shoulder Surgeon

MBBS; MS (Orthopedics) (Gold Medalist)
Fellow-Mumbai, Switzerland
“Diploma in Sports Medicine (FIFA, Europe)”
Author: “The Shoulder Pain Book”
“Global Healthcare Achievement Award 2022”
as the
“Best Orthopaedic Shoulder Surgeon in Gujarat”

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