Frozen Shoulder, as the name suggest, is freezing of shoulder. It has become a common problem in the present world. Someone, at some point of time, in every household, is affected by frozen shoulder. This disease starts with mild pain , then freezes the shoulder. The condition progresses to such a level that it affects the lifestyle of an individual. The quality of life and productivity of the affected individual decreases. It is astonishing to see, how the small problem actually turns into a disease. There has been many misconceptions, prevalent in the society, regarding this condition.

So here we are going to reveal 5 facts about frozen shoulder. Let us begin.

Diabetics and Thyroid patients are at high risk

This is a well known fact that diabetics and thyroid patients are at very high risk of developing frozen shoulder. If you are, then, in fact, you have nearly 400% higher chances of developing the condition. Therefore it is important for you to  identify yourself at high risk, and take appropriate steps. You should consult a shoulder surgeon at the earliest when the symptoms appear.

Trivial shoulder trauma can precipitate the condition

It is a well known fact that frozen shoulder develops after a major injury. It can be a road traffic accident or direct hit on the shoulder. Surprising fact is that, even a trivial trauma, including, lifting a moderately heavy suitcase or lifting a bucket full of water, can also precipitate frozen shoulder.

Anyone above the age of 40 is susceptible

Though most of you suffering from frozen shoulder are above 40, this is not a golden number. This, by no means, excludes the possibility of those younger than 40, to be affected by the same.

Pain appears much earlier than freezing of the shoulders

Though the name indicates freezing of shoulders, the first problem to appear is pain. Pain in Frozen Shoulder is minimal to start with, but gradually progresses to such a level that it is often difficult to do all the shoulder movements. Taking out the wallet from the packet or wearing a dress, often, becomes a task.

Sleep deprivation and Productivity loss

The pain in this condition is maximum at night. Those of you, affected by this, often would complaint of increased pain while lying down. This leads to sleep disturbance. You are either not able to sleep properly or the sleep is disturbed midnight. In any case, the soundness of sleep is lost and you wake up frustrated in the morning due to sleep deprivation. The productivity is lost and the quality of life deteriorates.

Is such life worth living, when you can easily get rid of the problem in few days?

Always consult a shoulder surgeon at the earliest so you continue enjoying life, unaffected by shoulder pain. You can always connect with Dr Vijay Bang, orthopaedic shoulder surgeon in Ahmedabad, for any further queries.

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