You would be shocked to know that around 60% of all the infections are preventable. That simply means if you are careful, 60 out of 100 infections will never happen to start with. That saves a lot of stress both on patients as well as doctors side. A mere knowledge about what small steps can be taken by patient can help significantly. We will discuss five simple steps which can be fruitful to a greater extent.

5 Steps Patients Can Follow to Prevent Infection After Shoulder Surgery

Personal Hygiene

Cleanliness of the body has always been advocated to prevent any kind of complications since ages. This point becomes very significant after the surgery. You should keep your body and clothes clean. The body, if not bathed, should be cleaned on daily basis. The clothes, which may be easily soiled in the hospital environment, should be cleaned with antiseptics and new clothes worn regularly.


Your environment plays a major role in the overall outcome of your surgery. Hospital environment is unavoidable, so once you reach home, the room you stay in, the house you stay in always has to be regular cleaned. The bedsheets need to be regularly changed; floor moped. All the objects directly in contact with patient has to be washed with antiseptic solutions. Room with a fresh air always help in good recovery.

Surgical Site Sterility

The surgical wound or the site of surgery is the part through which shoulder surgery has been done. This is the weakest spot. It is the gate, through which if bacteria enter, causes infection. Shoulder surgeon takes utmost care to maintain the sterility of the surgical site. Though the latest dressings are water proof, you should always avoid direct water contact with the surgical site. Avoid unnecessary touches over the dressing. Do not allow dust to accumulate around the dressing, by cleaning it regularly.

Dietary Changes

Diet plays an important role in overall recovery of the patient and infection prevention after shoulder surgery. The immune system which fights against any kind of infection is majorly made up of proteins. Therefore, a high protein diet can take you long way in preventing infection after shoulder surgery. Adding turmeric is an age-old Indian tradition, which helps greatly.

Manage Your High-Risk Factors

Some people are at higher risk of infections after surgery. The risk needs to be identified and controlled before and immediately after your shoulder surgery. The most common risk is uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. Controlling such diseases as well as taking care of any kind of immunocompromised status, helps in preventing complications like infections. 

SEE ALSO: 5 Steps Before Shoulder Surgery to Avoid Infections

Why not keep yourself updated regarding such small but grossly important steps, which can help in smooth recovery after your shoulder surgery. These are just small few points, not the complete list, which can reduce your chances of infection after your shoulder surgery. You can always discuss with Dr Vijay Bang, orthopaedic shoulder surgeon based in Ahmedabad regarding any further queries.

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