Shoulder Problems – History & Today

Do you know? The first shoulder replacement was performed by French surgeon in 1893.

The history of shoulder surgeries has been long and rich. There were continuous improvements and innovations throughout the history. The surgeries however could not pick in volumes till around 2000, after which the increase in volumes has outnumbered many other surgeries.

Who is to be blamed for the suffering of the public in large? There are many who could not move his shoulder and arm for whole life just because they had no access to shoulder surgeries. Many were forced to continue with the compromised life due to excruciating shoulder pain, which was, infact treatable. Is it the government who did not support the industry, is the doctor who did not focus on shoulders or the public who did not demand?

There seems to be rebirth of the lost science of shoulder treatment in the present world. Western world has accepted the concept and there are doctors who specialize in shoulder surgeries, in good numbers. Modern India is no far in accepting the latest developments of the world very rapidly. 

There are doctors who deal exclusively in shoulder surgeries available in India. It’s the time every shoulder patient gets the best available options for their shoulder problems.

A small description of top 3 common shoulder problems goes this way.

(1) Shoulder Pain without any reason

Many patients suffer from shoulder pain without any injury. They are not sure of what caused the problem and that at times itself becomes restricting factor to consult a doctor. The diagnosis is to be done by the doctor regarding what exactly is the cause of shoulder pain. It can be Frozen Shoulder, Rotator cuff tendinopathy, Shoulder arthritis, Impingement Syndrome to name a few.

The treatment is completely different for each condition. In fact, one type of treatment entity can be contraindicated for another shoulder condition. Hence its worth consulting a shoulder surgeon to get superior results. 

(2) Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation

There seems to be no confusion understanding the problem as such. The shoulder comes out of the natural socket multiple times. This is not a usual condition for most and need immediate medical attention. The treatment can vary based on age and cause of dislocations. Recurrent shoulder dislocation, however, can be effectively treated in most of the cases with excellent results.

(3) Rotator Cuff tears

Weakness of shoulder movements or inability to lift arm from shoulder can be classical presentation of rotator cuff muscle tear. This can be after an accident or it can appear gradually without injury, especially in those above 45 years of age. Prompt treatment offers superior results because the muscle becomes irreparable if not treated on right time.

The most common shoulder surgeries are minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery and shoulder replacement surgery. The biggest problem general public face in large is lack to reliable information regarding who to consult.

The public of Ahmedabad got a little luckier as Dr Vijay Bang, award winning, exclusive shoulder surgeon in Ahmedabad have been providing specialised shoulder treatment in association with Shalby Hospital, SG, Ahmedabad.

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