What is Arthroscopic Bankart Repair?

Arthroscopic Bankart surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat shoulder instability caused by recurrent dislocations or subluxations. It is named after Dr. Arthur Bankart, who first described the procedure in 1923. We will discuss the key aspects of Arthroscopic Bankart Surgery, including its indications, surgical technique, recovery, and potential complications.


Arthroscopic Bankart surgery is primarily indicated for patients with anterior shoulder instability. Anterior instability occurs when the shoulder joint partially or completely dislocates in the forward direction, often due to a tear in the labrum – a fibrous ring of tissue that helps stabilize the shoulder. Individuals who experience recurrent shoulder dislocations or subluxations, particularly in the context of high-demand activities or sports, may benefit from this surgical intervention.

Surgical Technique

The surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia. Small incisions, approximately half an inch in length, are made around the shoulder joint. A thin, flexible instrument called an arthroscope is inserted into one of the incisions, allowing the surgeon to visualize the inside of the joint on a monitor.

Using specialized instruments, the surgeon repairs the torn labrum and stabilizes the joint. This can involve reattaching the labrum to the glenoid—the shallow socket of the shoulder joint—using small anchors and sutures. Additional procedures may be performed if there are associated pathologies, such as addressing a damaged or stretched capsule or repairing a Bankart lesion—an avulsion of the anterior-inferior labrum.

Advantages of Arthroscopic Bankart Surgery

Arthroscopic Bankart surgery offers several advantages over traditional open surgery. Firstly, it is a minimally invasive procedure, which means it requires smaller incisions and causes less tissue damage. This leads to reduced postoperative pain, quicker recovery, and improved cosmetic outcomes. Additionally, the use of arthroscopy allows for better visualization of the joint, enhancing the precision and accuracy of the surgical repair.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

After surgery, patients usually wear a sling for a few weeks to protect the shoulder and promote healing. Physical therapy and rehabilitation are crucial components of the recovery process. The rehabilitation program typically focuses on gradually regaining range of motion, strengthening the shoulder muscles, and improving stability. The duration of rehabilitation varies depending on individual factors, but most patients can resume light activities within a few weeks and return to full sports participation within several months.

Potential Complications

While arthroscopic Bankart surgery is generally safe, there are potential complications associated with any surgical procedure. These may include infection, bleeding, nerve or blood vessel injury, stiffness, persistent instability, or recurrent dislocation. However, these complications are relatively rare, and the overall success rate of the procedure is high.

Arthroscopic Bankart surgery is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to treat anterior shoulder instability. By repairing the torn labrum and stabilizing the joint, this procedure offers patients the opportunity to regain stability, reduce the risk of recurrent dislocations, and return to their desired level of activity. With careful patient selection and proper rehabilitation, arthroscopic Bankart surgery has become the preferred approach for managing shoulder instability, providing excellent clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Looking for a shoulder arthroscopy treatment in Ahmedabad?

If you’re searching for a highly skilled shoulder surgeon in Ahmedabad, look no further than Dr. Vijay Bang. With extensive experience and expertise, he is a renowned shoulder specialist in Ahmedabad, dedicated to providing top-notch care and optimal outcomes for every patient. Contact us!

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