Knee replacement surgery, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a common orthopedic procedure performed to alleviate pain and restore mobility in individuals with severe knee joint damage. Despite its proven effectiveness, there are several misconceptions and myths surrounding knee replacement surgery that can cause unnecessary anxiety and prevent individuals from seeking the treatment they need. In this article, we will debunk some of the most prevalent myths about knee replacement surgery.


Dispelling myths and misconceptions about knee replacement surgery is crucial to ensure that individuals with knee pain or disability have accurate information when considering treatment options. Knee replacement surgery is a safe and effective procedure that can significantly improve quality of life for people suffering from chronic knee conditions. By understanding the realities of knee replacement surgery, individuals can make informed decisions in consultation with their healthcare providers, leading to successful outcomes and a return to an active and pain-free lifestyle.

Source/s: Image by starline on Freepik

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