If you have had undergone shoulder surgery or are planning to undergo shoulder surgery, this is for you. Complications after any shoulder surgery, though rare in the hands of specialised shoulder surgeon, are part of the whole process. In this write up, renowned shoulder surgeon in Ahmedabad, Dr Vijay Bang, tells us about the red flags signs to be aware about after surgery. Early identification of signs of complications is the best way the patient can help shoulder surgeon to achieve superior results. The most important ones to consider are as follows.

Pain at Surgical Site

Not to be taken word by word, as pain at the operative site, after any shoulder surgery is normal. However we are concerned about shoulder pain that is worsening with time. Any improvement in pain followed by worsening should be alarming. We should be careful about any pain out of proportion to the ongoing situation. These can be an early sign of some kind of issue going on in your shoulder. Best is to call up your shoulder surgeon and inform.

Redness Around the Surgical Site

Usually, the skin around the operative site is normal coloured. There are times, the colour changes to red, which should be alarming. We should not neglect redness around the surgical site. It might be a sign of infection after surgery or allergy or any other complication. Early intervention can prevent any further damage.

Discharge From Surgical Site

Any kind of fluid discharge from the surgical site is to be informed your shoulder surgeon at the earliest. Some watery discharge can be normal. Some purulent discharge can be an early sign of something wrong in your shoulder. So, the best strategy here is to keep your shoulder surgeon updated about any kind of fluid leaking from the operation area.


Fever is normally a sign of infection. Any such incidence of rising temperature is to be informed to your shoulder surgeon. Spike of temperature after shoulder surgery at times can be a normal phenomenon, however it is not easy for the patient to differentiate what is normal and what is abnormal. So best is to inform your shoulder surgeon regarding any rise in general body temperature.

Feeling of Tiredness

Sometimes, things are obscure and we do not have direct classical signs of any complication. However, even if you have a feeling of unease, you do not feel good after the surgery, best is to take medical help. There is a possibility of other red flag signs appearing later and as an informed patient, best is to intervene before any serious issue develops.

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